Sunday, August 17, 2008

Hot August Nights 2008

Tyler in his wagon.

Unkie Steve, Tyler & Daddy with Big Foot.

Tyler waving to his fans!

Tyler & Mommy enjoying the water slides!

Me & Addam

Hot August Nights is our annual family trip with my side of the family. My mom, stepdad, brother and our little family all pack up and head to Reno, NV for 4 days of classic car fun! We show my Mom's 70 Torino GT (it's not the Starsky & Hutch car!). Next year we will take my mom and brother's 68 Camaro RS to show. We stayed at the Silver Legacy which is our favorite place to stay because it is central to everything we like to go to. We cruise the strip in downtown Reno every night after dinner and it's a blast! Tyler loved it and loved waving to everyone, he especially liked all the oohh's and ahh's, and the "He's so cute!" comments. He would smile and wave more, what a ham! While we were there we decided to go to water park and hit the slides. Tyler wasn't really as into it as we thought he would be since he loves the slide at the gym pool. But towards the end he had an awesome time! It was nice to spend a whole 4 days together and just enjoy family time together! Can't wait for next year!

1 comment:

Rache'l and Don said...

Hi Dear Family,
You all look so happy in these photos! Life is Good! We love you and miss you!
Mom and Don #1