Friday, June 20, 2008

Tyler's 1 year Photo Shoot

We took Tyler to Kiddie Kandid's at Babies R' Us to have his 1 year pictures taken. He had a blast. He of course was flirting with the ladies taking his picture. And when he decided not to anymore, luckily our good friend Kim and her two children happened to see us and popped in and got his attention. He is such a ham, and each picture just captured his happiness. We are truely blessed to have a healthy and happy child. Enjoy!

Tyler's Birthday & Father's Day

The shirt says, "Proud Daddy".

Father and Son.

Tyler's birthday and Father's Day happened to fall on the same day this year. Father and son had a wonderful day. Mommy on the other hand, was sick with what Tyler had. Addam was amazing and took care of me when Tyler slept and when he woke up I sent them to Grammy's to celebrate the day and for them to be with family and enjoy the day. They had fun! Tyler decided he didn't like cake though! Maybe next year!

Tyler covered in icing. He of course had a bath in Grammy's sink!

Tyler's 1st Birthday Party

Tyler's birthday cake that I made for him.

Mommy & Tyler

(We don't have many pictures from the party, sorry.)

I can't believe that Tyler is already ONE! Where has the time gone? Well we decided to have a party in the park to celebrate with all of our friends and family Tyler's big day. We coulnd't think of a better way than to have him surrounded by people who love him and wish him the best. And we figured everyone could have they're children burn some energy! My Mom and I got to the park at 6a.m. to make sure we got the covered patio to shade everyone from the heat. Yes, 6a.m. I love my baby! Tyler and Addam came by a while later to check on us and he loved all the decorations and was walking everywhere with Addam's help. They went home for Tyler's nap... but when Tyler awoke who would have thought that his entire crib would be covered in PUKE! Poor little guy was sooooo sick! Addam cleaned him up and got him dressed so he could make his debut at his party. We thought he must have ate something that didn't like him and it bit back. But we were wrong, when he got to the party he vomited again... and again... and again... So to make it short, he left his own party with Daddy and went home and napped with him. Addam is so amazing and such a wonderful Daddy. I don't think I tell him enough what a wonderful Daddy and Hubby he is, but he thinks of everything. He layed with Tyler in our bed with towels over everything and gave him sips of watered down gatorade. Tyler was better the next morning though! So sorry to everyone who got sick, we feel terrible!

Little Gym Summer class!

He just finished a pull over with Daddy. Soooo happy!

So our class has finally started at Little Gym. Addam and I are lucky that we can both go and play in the class, they actually encourage it! Tyler had a blast and it was the first class Addam had been to. Tyler loves forward rolls, and loves to do pull overs on the bar. Mr. Active can you tell? We look forward to more fun this summer with Little Gym!

Tyler's 1st Hair Cut

Tyler getting his hair cut.

We decided that before Tyler had his big 1st birthday that we would get him his official 1st hair cut that Mommy didn't do (I'm not that good!). We went to a local barber shop called Barber Jon's. Barber Jon cut Tyler's hair and did such an amazing job. He was so nice and played with him and held him when he was all done. Tyler just sat there while he cut his hair and ate cheerio's! No crying at all! We even got a certificate and a little envelope of hair. Such a big boy now!

Time to go home!

Tyler and Mommy playing in the surf.

Saying good-bye to our condo.

Our vacation ended all to fast, but to Tyler's delight we were going home to the "Dog-Dog". Yes, he missed our Dog Sierra very much and was ecstatic to see her!

Carmel & Santa Cruz Beach Board Walk

Our Family.

Tyler chasing birds in the park in Carmel.

On the carousel with Daddy in Santa Cruz.

The last few days of our trip we decided of course we had to go to Carmel and the Beach Boardwalk. Tyler loved both places, because they were outdoors. He is very much an outdoors boy. He had a blast going on rides and chasing birds everywhere we went.

Jumping in the water with Daddy's help.

See that smile?! He loves the beach!

Monterey Bay Aquarium

Tyler touching a crab.

Can you see the "I'm not happy face"?

We took Tyler to the Monterey Bay Aquarium thinking that he would love it. Maybe we are alone, but Tyler did not have a good time! He wanted to be outside. He had more fun at dinner down the street at Bubba Gump's than looking at all the nature. He did enjoy the water elements, basically he splashed in them all and we had to make sure he didn't take any sea creatures with him when he was done. We decided to wait to do that again until he is walking!

Mommy & Tyler down the slide at the Aquarium.

Daddy & Tyler down the slide at the park.

We lucked out as we were leaving Monterey we saw this HUGE park. We stopped by and it was amazing. Tyler had a blast and just played for at least 45 minutes in this park.

Vacation- Day 2

We woke up and took a run on the beach, well Addam and Tyler ran and I dragged behind. Remember I'm not a land sport person, give me a pool! We had a relaxing day at the condo and played on the beach. It was nice to have a "home" feel so that Tyler could keep on schedule and we could take turns going to the water or just take a nap!

Addam and Tyler running.


Our 1st family vacation was to the Beach. We decided to get a condo and live on the beach for 4 days with an almost 1 year old. It was a blast! The pictures below are of us in Half Moon Bay on our way to Watsonville where our condo was. We stayed at Pajaro Dunes and it was amazing. Every window had a view of the ocean and we could walk out of our front door and be right on the sand! Just amazing and so much fun!

Tyler chewing his sand pail.

Sand entering the mouth....

Tyler loved eating the sand... YICK!! But too funny!

Tyler sitting on the sand... maybe eat some more huh?

Bath Tim at Grammy's House!

Driving his car at Grammy's


Tyler has decided that whenever we go to Grammy and Grandpa's house that at the end of the night before we leave he must take a bath in their kitchen sink. It's hard to say no, because he is so funny when he's in there. He stands up in the sink and knocks on the window completely naked, hope the neighbor's don't mind! We go over there as often as we can and have dinner as a family and Tyler loves playing in Grammy's garden and on all the toys back there, especially the car. He loves to drive around the HUGE yard. But his loves his bath at the end of our visit in the kitchen sink. He's getting a little to big for it though, so we'll see how much longer he'll be doing it!