Sunday, August 17, 2008

Rocklin Water Park

Having a blast!

His favorite thing at the park to ride in.

One day I had the idea of let's go to the water park in Rocklin. Little did I know that there were 3 small water park's! So I picked the one that was closest to our house, it took about 30 minutes to get there, but worth the drive! Tyler, Grammy & I had a blast! It was totally hot that day, but they had some shade for Grammy and Tyler and I just ran through the water. I should have worn a swim suit! He had so much fun watching the water shoot up out of the ground and running through it. Addam was bummed to miss out, he was at work. But it's next to the Fire Station and the engine went out and Tyler yelled, "Dada!". So cute! I'm sure we'll be going a lot! So much fun and we can't wait to go again!

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nyoman said...
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