Sunday, August 17, 2008

Sacramento Zoo

Daddy & Tyler (How cute!)


Playing in the park & chasing ducks!

We are so lucky to have 2 zoo's near our home. We decided to finally make the trip to Sacramento to go to the Zoo there. We weren't sure how Tyler would do, but luckily we only live 20 minutes or so from the zoo, so we were safe if he didn't like it! We arrived at the zoo and he was out of the stroller immediately saying, "That!". He was pointing and talking the entire time. He loved the flamingo's and giraffee's the most, and of course the monkey's! It was a great afternoon well spent. After we finished up at the zoo, Land Park has a huge pond and park area right acroos the street. It's a beautiful old neighborhood in Sacramento and it's so nice to see such large parks! Tyler loved the ducks and chased them all over the park with Daddy. We didn't make it to Fairytale Town that trip, but next time we'll make a day out of it since there is so much to do in walking distance there!

1 comment:

Tony, Sarah, James and Lucas said...

OMG. We have the same pic of Tony and James in the Kangaroos at the Sac Zoo from last summer! Too cute! Gotta see you guys soon!