Friday, October 10, 2008

Fire Safety at Zach's School

Addam talking about his turn out's, lots of questions about his outfit were asked!

Addam showing how they go into a house when there is a fire.

All the kids following Addam as he gives the tour of the engine.

Addam was asked by our sister-in-law Jessica to come to our nephew Zachary's kindergarten class and do a fire safety talk to the kids. Since October is fire safety month it was perfect. Addam was so prepared and brought all sorts of things for the kids. He taught them about the difference between tools and toys and that tools are for grown up's. These kids were smart! They all knew to call 911 if there was a fire or emergency. Addam even wore his full turn out's and his SCBA (his breathing gear for a fire), and the kids loved it!! When we walked in one of the students stood up and said, "Your a fireman, you're sooooooo cool!". We then handed out the fire hats and sticker's to each student, then they walked out following Addam to the awaiting fire enginge from the station that is down the street from his school. Each kid was able to sit in the engine and they each got to shoot water from the hose and aim for the light pole! It was amazing to watch my husband teach all of the kids and to watch their faces light up with enjoyment! You did a great job Addam! We love you! After the fun at Zach's school we headed over to let our niece Katie and Tyler play at their house, and they loved it! Tyler thinks Zach and Katie are so cool! We love you guys and can't wait to have another fun day together!

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