Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Carmichael Botanical Garden

So Tyler and I decided to take an adventure one day when Daddy was at work to the Botanical Garden that is in Carmichael. Our friend Lisa had told us about it and what's better than the outdoors and open space to run?! We got there and it was great, open space galore! As I was chasing Tyler we ran past a bench, and I had to look back because there was a guy sleeping there (snoring mind you!) and I was like we'll go on the other side of the park. So as I chased Tyler to the other side, we went across a small bridge and all I can see is Tyler stop and he can't move and he says, "HELP!". I catch up to him and he's stuck in mud and so am I!!! To say the least he wanted to leave, he didn't care for the mud and neither did Mommy! Maybe we'll go when it's not so wet there! But it was totally pretty and a great place to run around!

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