Saturday, June 13, 2009

Tyler's 2nd Birthday Party

Tyler & Ammy in the jump house! He thought it was soooo cool that Ammy jumped with him. Go Mom!

He loved his cupcake!

Blowing out his candle all by himself!

Look at that face?! Such a cutie pie!

Jumping away with his friends!

I keep looking at Tyler and saying, "Didn't we just bring him home and he was just a little peanut?". We can't believe out little man is already 2!!! He is the love of our lives and makes everyday so special and exciting! We had his 2nd birthday party at the park. We figured a little sun and a lot of fun could burn off some child energy. We had a bounce house company bring a jump house out to the park and the kid's had a blast! Between playing in the park and jumping everyone seemed to have a great time. We ate pizza and cake and just celebrated Tyler's day. Thank you to all the friends and family that came to share Tyler's birthday, it meant a lot to us! Happy 2nd Birthday Big Boy! We love you soooooooooo much!

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