Friday, May 15, 2009

Friday Fun!

Clare, Abby & Tyler all holding hands to walk to the train.

Water Baby!

Sooo much fun!

Every Friday we try to all get together for our little playgroup. This week we decided to head to Roseville to the Fountains and let the kids go crazy in the water since the heat is creeping up on us rapidly at this point. Tyler, Clare and Abby had sooo much fun running around. Baby Zoe kept is simple in the shade of her stroller and slept through all the kids screaming! Tyler was the water lover and couldn't get enough of the water spraying out of the ground. We rode the small train that they have there also and of course Tyler loved it! We then had lunch at a restaurant called "The Counter" and it was so yummy! Thanks for a fun time!

1 comment:

Lisa said... looks like you guys had a lot of fun! Maybe we can have a "ditto" this Friday! I know Em would LOVE that spayground! And yummy...I LOVE the shakes ever! See you Friday!