Monday, September 15, 2008

Tahoe for the day!

Tyler enjoying the sand at Pope Beach

Addam & Tyler in Lake Tahoe

The bear we saw roaming around Fallen Leaf Lake

Tyler looking at Mommy (soooo cute!)

Mommy teaching Tyler to throw rocks, he just giggled!

One morning we just woke up and decided to get in the truck and head up to Tahoe. Luckily we live so close, and Addam loves to go up there! Addam would go to Fallen Leaf Lake every year with his family to go camping and he has so many wonderful memories and talks of it every time we go there. We hope to start the same tradition with our family, and yes I'm even planning on camping in a tent! Shocker to you all I know!!! We decided we just needed to get out of the house. Tyler had been teething, another stinkin' molar and it was a bad time for him. So we thought a change of scenery might do him good. He fell asleep on the way up and decided to wake up 30 minutes outside of Tahoe. We had a great drive and when we got up there we had a yummy lunch in one of the many restaurants in Heavenly Village. We walked around and lots of fun. We then decided to go to Pope Beach and play in the sand and maybe get our toes wet. Addam was the bravest and got in all the way up to his chest, Tyler kept saying, "Dadda!". So Addam came back to the beach and picked him up and they wadded in the water. Addam said it was freezing, so I was happily dry and warm on the beach! After playing in the sand and water, we decided to hit Fallen Leaf Lake and take a little walk around then head home. We had a great time! Tyler was a little fussy, but not too bad! He liked Mommy teaching him how to throw rocks into the water. At one point he just broke down and cried and said, "Mama". He put his little arms up and I picked him up and the tears stopped and he just starred at me. It melted my heart. I love my men! We had a great and fun day in Tahoe with more trips to come!

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