Tyler & Daddy enjoying the pool!
We had an awesome 4th of July. We were so happy to have Addam with us, it was the first time in 5 years he didn't have to work on the holiday. We spent the day as a family. Addam and my stepdad Don put in a drip and sprinkler system in our backyard, and it's so nice to have!! I love it, can you tell?! We then headed to Citrus Heights for our annual block party that has been going on now for 25 years!! We just kept going after we moved to the Bay Area so many years ago and it's such a wonderful place to be. Everyone I grew up with still comes to their parent's homes and now we all bring our kids, wife's/husband's, girlfriends/boyfriends, etc. It's so nice to share such a wonderful day with so many people who we are close to! We had enough activities to keep Tyler busy. Between the pool, bounce house, and fireworks there wasn't too much down time!
Tyler in the bounce house.
Tyler & George hanging out.
The fireworks have started!
Tyler just sat and watched the fireworks, but by the time it was dark enough to see them and really enjoy them, he was done! He was so tired, I took him in while Addam did our fireworks with everyone else. We missed my brother Steve too, he was out on a strike team fighting fires in Humbolt and Shasta. We can't wait for him to get home, we miss him!
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