Tyler rode with Grammy & Grandpa to the car show! He loved it!
We had an exciting day with my family. My mom celebrated her "29th" birthday again.. hehehe.. and we all decided to go to a car show at the Folsom Zoo Sanctuary. It was held by the Cappuccino Cruisers, a local car group here in Folsom. We braved the drizzly & cold weather and had a great time! Lots of car lovers turned up to show their cars despite the rain. We also got to meet the Folsom Police Mounted Patrol, Tyler kept calling the horse a "Dog!". He loved to pet the horse and it was so fun to watch him learn about a new animal. We visited the zoo, and Tyler's new favorite animal of the day was the monkey and the brown bear's. He made the monkey sound every time we walked by the monkey exhibit. After the car show we headed back to our house and everyone took a nap. Then we had dinner at a local chinese food place and we surprised my Mom with an ice cream pie! We had a wonderful day with Grammy! Happy "29th" Birthday Grammy!
Tyler and the Folsom Police Mounted Patrol Officer & Horse
Grammy's Classic Car. 1970 Ford Torino GT (and no it is not the Starsky & Hutch car!).
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