Thursday, November 26, 2009


Alissa & Trevor playing.

My Grandparent's and Trevor

My Grandpa ("Nono" is what the kid's call him) & Trevor

Happy Thanksgiving! We seem to always have about 50 different places to go for holidays. But it does help that our families both live in the bay area, so if we do both families in one day it's usually a short drive to either home. We first went to my Grandparent's home in San Pablo and visited with my family. It was the first time my Grandpa had meet and held Baby Trevor. It's soooo wonderful to see my Grandparent's holding our children and knowing that they have such a special bond with them! It makes my Grandparent's day to hear about the kiddo's and see pictures. (I've got to keep this blog up and going or else!! hehe..). We then headed to Concord to see Addam's family at his Dad & Stephanie's house. Everyone was there and it was great to see everyone and for all the cousins to play together and hang out. It was a long day, but a great one since it was spent with family the whole time!

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