Thursday, November 12, 2009

Station Visit

Tyler and Abby in the Engineer's seat.

Hanging out in the day room.

Tyler pretending to be his favorite Engineer, Eric! As he quotes, "Eric drive the weeoooooo FAST!"

Not the normal engine, but the kid's didn't care!

One day I decided since Addam was having his Engine day at work that we would go and visit him and invite our friend's the Lange Family. Jenn and I both have kiddo's similar in age, I have 2 boys and she has 2 girls. We always joke Tyler and Abby act like an old married couple when they play. Abby had never seen a fire engine up close and we figured what a great way to have her see one and know that it is not something scary but they are there to help you. The kid's had a blast playing in the engine and all over the station. Thanks guys for letting us hang out!

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