Thursday, October 8, 2009

Couch nap

Asleep with his Buzz Lightyear from Unkie Steve.

Snoozing babies!

So Tyler woke up from his nap screaming and crying so I went in and got him and brought him out on the couch. He quieted down and so I decided to get the afternoon going. I got up and started getting his snack together and I came back and found him asleep next to Trevor! Love it!

1 comment:

Rache'l and Don said...

Hi Christy and Addam,
I REALLY enjoyed looking at all the photos and reading your blog! Hey..with two kids, you're doing better than I am with NO kids at home, keeping your blog up! I guess I will have to start working on mine again....You can just tell how much you love your family and that is so wonderful! Love you all! Mom Rache'l oxoxoxo