Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Tyler's 2 Year Pictures

So we took Tyler to Kiddie Kandid's over in Babie's R Us to have his 2 year pictures taken. He's sooooo grown up now! He did a great job and of course flirted with the woman who took his picture. I'll have to post more when I get a chance, but here are a few!


Tony, Sarah, James and Lucas said...

Cute pictures! Tyler looks so big! We are planning to go to Disneyland in March. Let us know if you have any tips ;) Looks like you had fun!

Rache'l and Don said...

Well, if he isn't just the most handsomest little guy, I just don't know what...I'm seeing more Addam in Tyler, as he gets older. What a cutie! I just can't believe how quickly they change and grow.

Hope you are feeling well, Christy! Not much longer now...Give my love to Addam too!
Love you,
Grandma Rache'l